Dog Groomers Public Liability

Standard liability policies are not good enough to help protect you as you face some unique risks in your business, so you would need a specialist policy that we offer.
If you are a professional dog groomer then one of the most important insurance covers you should have in place is Dog Groomers Public Liability insurance to help protect you from claims made through you negligence.
A policy from Dog Grooming Insurance protects you with the following benefits:
Bodily Injury
We will pay up to the limit of indemnity stated in the policy schedule for claims against you arising from third party bodily injury.
Veterinary Fees
We will pay for veterinary fees for which you are liable following injury to your customer’s animal whilst in your custody or control provided it does not arise from any pre-existing condition, surgical operation, domestic animal, drug medicine or treatment advice or provision or administration of medicines.
Loss of Customers Keys
We will pay for the costs of replacing locks, keys and electronic pass cards if you lose any key or pass card to a third-party’s premises.
Property Damage
We will pay up to the limit of indemnity stated in the policy schedule for claims against you arising from third party property damage.
Advertising & Reward
We will pay for the cost of advertising and reward following the disappearance of your customer’s animal whilst in your custody or control.
Failure to Secure a Premises
We will pay for the sums you have to pay as compensation for failing to secure a third-party’s premises where you have been carrying out your business, provided that you have reasonably secured the premises as required.