Dog Grooming Cover

As a professional dog groomer then you need to have a specialist insurance policy to help protect you, your staff, your business and ultimately your customers.
Dog Grooming Insurance can offer the following covers:
Public and Products Liability
Public and products liability insurance covers you when you have to pay compensation to any third-party for accidental injury to them or damage to their property, occurring during the period of insurance and as a result of your business. (in this case a dog being groomed is termed as "property").
We also provide unique cover for Vets Fees, Death/Disappearance and much more.
Employers’ liability insurance
Employers’ liability insurance is compulsory cover for most companies with employees. It covers you for compensation you have to pay to your employees for accidental injury to them, occurring during the period of insurance and in the course of their work for you.
Professional indemnity insurance
Professional indemnity insurance covers you for compensation you have to pay to your clients or any other third parties as a result of problems with your work. We will pay for claims which are made against you during the period of insurance, up to the limit shown in the policy schedule. We will also pay your legal defence costs incurred with our agreement for covered claims.
Property − Buildings Insurance
Buildings insurance protects you when your buildings are accidentally damaged. We will pay you for damage occurring during the period of insurance, up to the amounts shown in your schedule.
Property − Contents Insurance
Contents insurance protects you when the contents of your insured premises are lost, damaged or stolen. We will pay you for damage occurring during the period of insurance, up to the amounts shown in your schedule.
Property − Business Interruption Insurance
Business interruption insurance protects you when you are unable to carry out some or all of your activities due to an unforeseen interruption.
Property − Away and in Transit Insurance
Property away and in transit insurance protects you when your business equipment is accidentally lost, damaged or stolen while away from the insured premises. We will pay you for damage occurring during the period of insurance at any location stated in your schedule.
Personal Accident Insurance
Personal accident insurance provides a benefit amount following accidental bodily injury which results in the death or permanent or temporary disablement of an insured person. We will pay you the applicable benefit amount shown in the schedule if the death or disablement arises from an incident occurring during both the period of insurance and the active time shown in the policy schedule.
Legal Protection Insurance
Legal protection insurance covers you for legal costs, including solicitors’ and barristers’ fees, court costs, expenses for expert witnesses, attendance expenses and accountants’ fees. It will also pay the costs of appealing or defending an appeal. The limit of indemnity shown in the policy schedule is for all claims resulting from one or more event arising at the same time or from the same originating cause.
Crisis Containment
Crisis containment insurance covers you for the costs of engaging the services of a public relations crisis specialist in relation to a covered claim under any section of your Hiscox policy. We will pay up to the amounts shown in the policy schedule